The unique neuroscience-driven approach to Customer Triggered Persuasion delivers marketing results that exceed expectations...
Achieve your desired marketing goals faster, lock in results longer, and systematize a custom strategy that self-corrects course with movement in your market...

Being successful in business and marketing requires just a few simple steps: strategy – copywriting – execution... but in reality, before you know it those steps have become "not so simple."
Strategy - copywriting - deal making - media buying - analytics - systems - and more are required... And to pull in out-sized results, you must move onto more advanced maneuvers such as data mining – deep profiling – micro-targeting...
In the end, all you're really looking for are RESULTS ...
Like going from zero / start-up to $1.3 million in sales within the first 12 months. Or building a customer file of over 200,000 active names, pulling $16 for every prospect name on your file, or expanding to over 200 countries in multiple languages.
These are real results I've delivered for clients.
In reality – maybe you'd prefer somebody else to be dealing with all the details?
30+ Years of Direct Response
Expertise Can Get You to Your Goal Much Faster...
Creating a successful marketing campaign is "easy" when you know how. It's just, there's a lot to know...
Targeting – testing – optimizing – scaling campaigns. Knowing which traffic sources match the stage of market awareness for your product and promotion. Understanding specific targeting strategies for Facebook, Google, and other networks. And how they differ for information products, physical products, software as a service, and more.

What type of ad strategies work best with what type of promotion and traffic sources – content driven ads, direct to offer ads, retargeting ads, or the "Customer Triggered Persuasion" strategy.
The nine essential copy elements required for a winning campaign, and how to pre-test them with your actual target audience before spending heavily on copywriters, media, and operational issues.

Working with a solid testing guiding principle – and developing a logical testing progression – what to test in what order – including traffic sources, copy and creative, marketing funnel and strategy.
Having specific guidelines and yardstick metrics – so that testing, optimizing, and scaling is methodical and delivers the strongest possible return on investment.
"Money loves speed" – and accurate and instantly actionable analytics allow you to turn tests around fast – scale the winners, drop the losers – and compound revenue and ROI growth as a result...

It's also important to understand the big picture – with a project development timeline so you know exactly where you are, and where you need to be at anytime.
In the end, "Traffic - Offers – Analytics" covers dozens of skill sets and decades of deep expertise. And often, if just one cog in the machine is out-of-place – nothing functions correctly and very little profits flow – until it's identified, fixed, and perfected.
Customer Triggered Persuasion Custom Services are all about applying our decades of business and marketing expertise – with the express purpose of speeding up the process of making your business highly profitable.
Simple Process – Powerful Results ...
Business Idea
Strategy / Execution
Desired Results

Ready to give your campaigns and business a major boost?
The Complex Business of Marketing - Simplified...
The business of marketing is complex. Many moving parts, all which can make or break your campaign.
Strategy, insight, experience – combined with testing, analytics, and optimization are all required to deliver the results you are desiring.
Let's start a conversation today, to see how we can make this happen for you and your business.
Partial List of Clients Served...

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